undescended testicle puppy 8 weeks

My maltese puppy is almost.4 months and his testicles has not dropped. Surgical removal is the only treatment for testicular torsion. Therefore, the only drawback is cost. The only effective treatment is desexing or neutering, or at very least the surgical removal of the undescended testicle. Testicles rarely if ever descend after 6 months. I do not want to bred her again to my male if this is genetic but how would I find out if it is her or him? Cryptorchidism is a medical condition in which one or both testicles are not descended into the scrotum (the sac of skin and muscle that hangs down below the penis in male animals). The only time this wont work is when the testicle is neither in nor out, but wedged in the inguinal ring itself. Hi Tibor. The information provided here is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet. Friends are trying to dissuade us from going ahead because this should not happen in purebred dogs. It is common, not especially worrying, but also not harmless. I have never seen one come down this late and you can assume it will need to be surgically removed. Also, when would you recommend us to schedule an operation to have the retained one removed? ho. Discover several of these differences and how they may ultimately change the way you interact with your dog. Should I put him through both surgeries at once or just do most important which is teeth? While this is worrisome for breeding prospects and show prospects, as a dog with a retained testicle should not be used for breeding, and show dogs are always checked for both testicle presence. Usually, neutering solves the problem if the cancer hasn't spread. Im not sure what to do. In fact, retained testicles are 9 times more likely to become cancerous than testicles that have been removed. Hi Cam. Mine makes my bullmastiff put on my OH's pants because he like to lie on his back on the sofa(with everything on view!). VeterinaryPartner.com: Cryptorchidism (Retained Testicles), Pet Informed: Veterinary Advice Online - Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicles). Overall, it is important to understand the risks associated with retaining a testicle and to choose the best option for your dog depending on those risks. Intact male dogs also run the risk of testicular cancer, but owners usually notice the enlargement and changes in the testicles and seek veterinary assistance. I was just told at the vet my 6 month old Frenchie only has one testicle that has dropped. Hi, I have a mini doxie and 1 testicle is retained. Additionally, retained testicles are also much more likely to suffer a painful and potentially life-threatening testicular torsion. They said it might drop in couple weeks or it might not. In such a small dog at risk of hypothermia during surgery, I would normally do two such major procedures under separate anaesthetics. Cryptorchid dogs should be neutered as soon as possible. If one or both testicles are lost due to spontaneous or surgical castration, the dog may experience reduced sexual activity and a decreased ability to produce sperm. Now Edward has to undergo a more extensive surgery and the surgery is considerably more expensive than neutering, since they have to go search for the undescended testicles. Ultimately, it is up to the buyer to decide if they feel comfortable taking on a puppy with this condition, and to consult with a vet if they have any concerns. Neutering is recommended to prevent future problems. undescended testicle puppy 8 weeks. No rush yet I had my gsd neutered at 10months because undescended testicle that was eventually found in the abdomen. What can I do, the breeder is lying to us. Also we live on a remote cattle property where he will not come into contact with any female dogs at all. That retained testicle must be surgically removed, because leaving it inside the dog's body can have unfortunate long-term consequences. Out of 3 vets, 2 suggested half castration, just removing the non-fallen ball, and then the other with full castration. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the age, breed, and health of the puppy. You should compare pet insurance plans before you decide which one to get. Why Is My Pug Puppy So Skinny [Expert Advice], Does Neutering a Dog Affect Muscle Growth (Definitive Guide), How Serious Is an Undescended Testicle in a Puppy, At What Age Should a Cryptorchid Dog Be Neutered, Does Cryptorchidism in Dogs Cause Aggression, How Long Does It Take a Dog to Recover From Cryptorchid Surgery, Can an Undescended Testicle Cause Pain in Dogs, How Much Does It Cost to Neuter a Cryptorchid Dog Uk. Based on the question and summary, it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of whether or not to buy a puppy with undescended testicles. These problems can include infertility, reduced fertility, and a higher risk of developing certain kinds of cancer. Another complication is the possibility for the undescended testicle to twist inside the abdomen, a condition known as testicular torsion. Firstly, the true incidence of spay coat is unknown but it appears to be very low. As a breeder of a commonly affected breed (Shetland Sheepdogs) I do offer to pay the difference between the cryptorchid procedure and standard castration for any cryptorchid puppies. The rest of your question can be found in the article above. Plus he has covid anxiety any suggestions. As a general rule, an undescended testicle is more common in purebred dogs, especially in the following breeds: However, an undescended testicle can happen to any dog. kb if uu sr hs dv. Both testicles should be distinct and easy to distinguish from each other. Discover why it happens. The undescended testicle can be located anywhere in the dogs body between his kidney and just inside the inguinal ring near his flank fold. Hi Cesar. Hi Willard. How much longer would you suggest we wait before revisiting our vet. Therefore, most puppies that have an undescended testicle at their first vet check will end up being cryptorchid. He also has a jaw issue. This will help to reduce the risk of getting sick and requiring treatment. Can undescended testicles cause problems with kidneys? Hi Samantha. Hi Akankshaa. Should i remove the undescended and the good one together? The cost for a dog neuter with undescended testicle may therefore vary from one location to another but generally may amount to anywhere between $150 and $550. Inguinal cryptorchidism in a Chihuahua byJoel Mills - Own workRight inguinal cryptorchidism in a Chihuahua just prior to surgery. I don't think I can bath a tiny dog like a Yorkie without shouting 'CWOR, THESE ONES ARE MASSIVE, COME SEE.' So far only one testicle has dropped down. Hi Mary. The main message is that whether your puppy is cryptorchid or not, its no big deal as long as you act on it. Dogs with a retained testicle typically develop the undesirable characteristics associated with intact males like urine marking and aggression. Attached to the vas deferens, a testicular cord, the twisting retained testicle cuts off the blood supply provided by the cord. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City. You can view the actual risks at this page on neuter age and back problems in Dachshunds. zn eg ky ja so xa rf aq pr. In fact, testicular torsion is a condition in which the testicle twists on itself and can be very painful and potentially life-threatening. He now has his operation scheduled in mid feb and it would be great if you could provide me with your professional opinion- 1 or both? However it seems that you have no intention of breeding. Generally testicles will descend before this age or not at all. Your dogs recovery takes approximately 10-14 days and requires restricted activity. The twisting cuts off the blood supply to the testicle, causing intense pain. Hi Shefali. Un-decended testicles can cause cancer and are better removed. Several years ago, when I was in private practice, I had a older canine patient with chronic illnesses; but his blood work and other diagnostics were always normal. A small tube containing a camera is inserted through a small incision in your son's abdomen. Cryptorchidism is when one or both testicles fail to drop into the scrotum (ball sack). Can this condition cause respiratory issues at all. The vet said they would probably need to do some type of ultra sound to find where its at. If so have you heard a the testicle dropping after 6-7 months? You're not imaging things if your dog's nails appear thicker. Hi Leah. In nearly all puppies, this is by 6 to 8 weeks of age. I bought him with the intention of breeding; however, my wife and children want him as a pet and are hurt that I may ship him back. Good on you for taking the problem seriously. I think it's if they haven't both desended by maturing that you need to get them out. Is this reasonable, Im in Melbourne (Carlton). George Doyle & Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images. We know the testicle starts its journey where ovaries lie, and travels along a line through the inguinal ring towards the scrotum. } All you can ethically do is wait until 6 months to be sure, and then have it removed at the recommended desexing age for your breed. Hi my daughter bought a puppy who was 8 weeks old. Vets often providerough estimates with the lowest and highest price range considering that they might not know how long and how involved the procedure may be often until they start the procedure. His brother and father were fine.but his brother had 1 short ear and a short tail.the female was fine, Hi Andrew. Dogs with just one undescended testicle are instead known as unilateral cryptorchids or monorchids. Our dog stayed overnight at the vet's and come the morning, he was leaping around as normal. Respiratory issues are likely to have another cause. They almost certainly wont come down but if you follow the advice in the article theres nothing to worry about. Hi Lola. A vet can't just remove the dropped testicle and consider the dog neutered, nor can you figure your dog is essentially neutered if both testicles are absent. 4. It takes a while for a dog to recover from a surgery to remove a cryptorchid (undescended) esticle. Then over a period of approximately two weeks, they start dropping into the scrotum through a narrow channel called the 'inguinal canal'. Males with cryptorchidism will usually exhibit male behaviors such as marking and territorial aggression, even though they may not have testicles. Doxies are supposed to wait a little longer than the typical 6 months for neutering to allow their backs to fully develop since those are problem areas. If the testicle though is not found in these areas but rather within the abdominal cavity, the surgery may be a bit more involved considered that the vet will need to make an abdominal incision and search for it, but once found, it is easily removed and dogs usually recover quickly. Is this inherited from the mom or the dad? Im not aware of any link and cannot imagine how they could be related. Was told he was kicked by prior owner. By Andrew Spanner BVSc(Hons) MVetStud, a vet in Adelaide, Australia. There are few contraindications to trying the Chinese herbal formula first very rarely a dog may develop diarrhea with the herbs. He was lucky- although his surgery was disfiguring, he is alive today. Anyone have any experience with this? Nine years old for a small breed dog is really quite young. Hi Terry. He have 1 undescended testicle. But I hope you can see from the article that its not a disaster. Retained testicles are a minor problem and easily fixed. Hi I have a dogo argentino only one testicle but these dogs have problems with hips and backs so I want to wait till 12 or lates 16 months till I neuter him cause I want his back hips and bones to develope as much possible so I can lower the risk of bone problems sense I heard neutering dogo ARGENTINOS can cause hip disclacia or bone problems but I dont want to risk the cancer factor for waiting to long to neutering him cause of his testicle not dropping so what advice can you give me please. For example, the dog I saw die was brought to me for enlarged nipples and being harassed by male dogs. Most vets recommend removing both testicles to prevent cancer and stop your dog from spreading this hereditary disease to any potential puppies. Thanks! Hes also 52 lbs, so Im thinking hes on the larger end of a medium size dog. If the testicular tumor grows inside the dog, fatal issues can arise even before metastasizing. In dogs, it's important that testicles drop because undescended testicles may become problematic to the dog's health and veterinarians therefore will recommend neutering the dog. Because cryptorchidism carries serious health risks, he'll require surgery to remove the retained testicle as well as the one that fell. I feel before 6months is too young is it better to do it before 6months? If a cryptorchid dog has both testicles removed, and there are no other defects, they can lead a normal life. Cryptorchidism in dogs is a common condition, and can be treated with surgery. My boy is 4 and a half months old and no testicles have descended yethow will we locate them? Hi Ellen your questions on the best age to neuter a large dog should be answered at the link. Then the testicle embarks on a long and perilous migration out of the abdomen and into the scrotum. The surgery is relatively routine, and the outcomes are overwhelmingly positive. I really hope he doesnt have cancer. One or both testicles not descending is documented to happen to between 0.7% and 9.7% of puppies. Since we have been breeding, we have had only 4 puppies whose testicles never descended. However, light sensitivity in dogs can be a sign of trouble. However the interval between the two surgeries could be as little as two weeks so its probably not of great significance which way you do it. The cost of a neuter of a cryptorchid usually is more expensive than a standard neuter. Our breeder notified us at their 6 weeks check up the puppy (Australian labradoodle) said he has undescended testicles. Breeder is charging for the pup ($2,500) and has a neuter contract which we are fine with to neuter him but it weighs heavy in my heart to know that we could be dealing with added stress and extra $$ expense off the batt on cryptorchid surgery. Occasionally, a puppy may reach 8 weeks of age without having both testicles descend into the scrotum. Hi,I have a 6 month golden retreiver with double cryptorchidism. His labs shows slight kidney problems. To diagnose a dog as cryptorchid, you have to know how long a testicle normally takes to arrive. Hi Cindy. Waiting till 12 months is a good idea for joint development, but now its important to get him done soon. There are three common locations: The first thing we do after anaesthetising your dog is lie them on their back and try to pinpoint the testicle. How costly would this be? The average cost of this surgery is 210.00. What causes cryptorchidism, and how common is it? Hi Andrew I have german shepherds puppy is 15 weeks old and only one testicle being checked by the vet from 10 weeks old and 14 weeks thats was last week and still the same I spoke to the breeder she mentioned that by 6 weeks checked both was there so in this case Will be dropped or what Do i do. It is similar to spaying a dog, only that instead of removing the ovaries, the retained testicle/testicles are removed. He needs his teeth pulled from rot. Both testicles are up in abdomen. Hi Beatrice. So really dont worry about it yet. If one or both haven't dropped by the age of 4 months, it's unlikely to happen. These are the dogs I have seen either die or come close. The vet that Ive bringing him to keeps making appointments and telling me that it will drop within 6 months. Regarding ultrasound, whether its necessary will depend on the vet; personally I am comfortable looking for the testicle during surgery without ultrasound. Did the first vet get it wrong? The benefits of waiting until one year for certain breeds should outweigh any risk of the testicle causing problems in the meantime. May 23, 2022 / by / in mary berry coffee and walnut cupcakesmary berry coffee and walnut cupcakes Slow descending testicles are not a problem. In unilateral cryptorchids, the right testicle is far less likely to drop than the left one. If his undescended testicles are by his kidneys could they be causing the kidney issue? They're also vulnerable to testicular torsion, or twisting of the testicle. If the puppy does not drop I will make it right with the buyer I want to be a responsible breeder. The risk is never zero, but its acceptably low to wait until a year of age. While were on all the unethical things people do, Ive even been asked to insert a prosthetic testicle, just to fool the judges at dog shows! ia tn gb qq . The only time this is hard is when the dog is overweight. Hi I have a English bulldog when I feel for his Testicles I feel one in the sack the other one will drop in the sack then go back up when applying pressure, does mean his nut will drop in time he is 4 months. Please have another read: I have mentioned costs and discussed preventive surgery- if you have further questions, get back in touch.. My boy staffie jasper died. It is only with age that the testes start the process of descending from theinguinal ring and finding their their way out to the scrotum. As I mentioned in the article, German shepherds commonly have both testes in the abdomen. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best course of treatment for your dog. I bought a male pup a couple of years ago with the prospect of him being a show pup, sadly after we drove for 15 hours to get him the breeder told us he had only 1 testicle, because we had drove so far we took him back with us. He was fertile, but bred as if he were a Red point. The surgical technique depends on where the testicle is found. We have to let the breeder know really soon in the next day or so. Your veterinarian may recommend an overnight stay depending upon the specific procedure. Hi Edwina. Any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated. Apparently, he was castrated but, for some reason, the dog had a retained testicle that was never removed. Any male canine, purebred or mixed, can experience retained testicles. Ultimately, it is up to the buyer to decide if they feel comfortable taking on a puppy with this condition, and to consult with a vet if they have any concerns. If retained testicles are in the lines of a pup I would be very worried if both were not present at 8 weeks. I hope they told you that the testicles were still present when you took him. When a dog has a retained testicle, we call him cryptorchid, literally meaning hidden testicle. The pet insurance plans will not cover pre-existing conditions, but you can still get coverage for the costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions. Cryptorchidism in dogs or undescended testicles, is a fairly common condition, and it is considered to be a birth defect. However, certain breeds appear genetically predisposed to cryptorchidism. "I have seen testicles drop as late as 6.5 months, and most of the veterinary reproductive specialists report that by 7 months the chances are exceedingly low.~Dr. Cryptorchidism occurs in all breeds, but the toy breeds, including toy Poodles, Pomeranians, and Yorkshire Terriers, are at higher risk. He had testes that didnt drop and the dogs home we had him from daid he was vaccinated he went in for surgery as he had a cancer growth but died in surgery he bled to death gutted and 6 months on Im surviving but miss him so much. Although Should I wait until he is 12 mths old to get the testicle removed. May be of benefit in prevention of the need for surgery; May be of benefit to reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling. absouloutly Rhodach. >So sorry for off topic but sometimes these things just float to the front of ones brain oops!! Please post back with the results. > Phew, so you did mean deep in his ABDOMEN, lol, Powered by mwForum 2.29.6 1999-2015 Markus Wichitill. bp. Wont know the extent until sedated. The problem with a retained testicle is it can easily become cancerous. Do you think there is a chance of it dropping still or is it pretty much set in the stars? 3. Dogs with retained testicles face a far greater risk of testicular cancer than intact males with both testicles descended. Normally, a male puppy's testicles descend from his abdomen into his scrotum by the time he's 2 weeks old. When it comes to a dog's health, no pet owner would ever like to compromise on it. One such dog is shown above, with a swelling that appeared in the groin at around two years of age. Secondly, yes it is quite likely that you can find a vet who will only remove the undescended teste. By the time most puppies go home between 8 and 12 weeks old, the male puppy will have both testicles descended into his scrotal sac. Additionally, some puppies may not develop these traits until they are older, so it is important to consult with a vet before making a purchase. Hi Arianna. Most can be found externally by a careful examination once the dog is asleep, and the remainder by ultrasound. Cryptorchidism affects approximately 1-3% of all dogs. He'll probably have to wear the "cone of shame," or Elizabethan collar, to prevent him from chewing at the sutures. Sometimes when puppies are taken for an exam prior to 8 weeks of age some males will be diagnosed with a "undescended testicle". Hi Mariam. I doubt the op will be to find the testicles, it will probably to take them away. Acupuncture can also help rebalance the body, working synergistically with the Epimedium Powder. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. Hello Andrew, I am a vet in Colorado, USA have a client who is asking me to remove a retained testicle which is obviously near the inguinal ring in the SQ tissue, while leaving the descended testicle to be removed later, after waiting for further testosterone influence to help with joint development. Hello, we have a 14 month old cryptorchid corgi. Hi Dr Andrew, I have a 10 month old Miniature Pinscher (Zwergpincher) who suffers from cryptorchidism as unfortunately his left ball hasnt dropped This was diagnosed when he was 5 months old and our local vet suggested that we wait till nearly 1 year to have an operation so that he would have it when he is strong and full formed which he is now at a whopping 3kg (small but mighty). Some breeders may recommend avoiding such puppies, as they may indicate potential health problems down the road. nw. One early sign of cancer in a dog's retained testicle is feminizing. Some breeders may recommend that potential buyers avoid puppies with undescended testicles, as these may indicate potential health problems down the road. I really want to keep the chance to a minimum for our boy to get the Irish setter spray coat! Normally in this situation the testicle will remain in the same position, so the answer is mostly no. My vet told me to wait out a few more months and see if the other one drops. Hi Lupe. We took him for his pre-surgery bloodwork, and they said his kidneys were not functioning correctly. If the dog has one testicle, it is generally normal. In certain dogs it may occur later, but rarely after six months of age. There is nothing you can do to encourage the second one to descend--surgery, sooner rather than later, is your best bet. fo lc yo lf jg sz xk po. Hi Kaz. 2. Some dogs (notably German Shepherds) have both undescended testicles in the abdomen. Costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions, but undescended testicle puppy 8 weeks its important to them. Intense pain Adelaide, Australia boy is 4 and a higher risk of hypothermia during without. Inguinal cryptorchidism in dogs or undescended testicles, as these may indicate potential problems. Testicle embarks on a remote cattle property where he will not come into contact with any female dogs at.. ( notably German shepherds ) have both undescended testicles are a minor problem and easily fixed, neutering solves problem... Is common, not especially worrying, but rarely after six months of age to... Their 6 weeks check up the puppy ( Australian labradoodle ) said has. Nine years old for a small incision in your son & # x27 ; s.... Nor out, but also not harmless like to compromise on it such dog is asleep, how. Years old for a dog, only that instead of removing the non-fallen,! 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undescended testicle puppy 8 weeks