antimatter dimensions ic6

. You need ~37 or 38? Once you unlock V - you will notice how it's structured. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. So you need to either copy builds OR figure out how it works. and as you buy Infinity point upgrades. Each eternity run with TD+Idle should take 5-10 minutes and give 2-4 more OoMs of EP, just like the Long Run Era before. Also, at this point you can max out "Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run", because of the amount of infinity power you have from Infinity Dimensions. (By setting Automatic Dimboosts to 4 max dimboosts and 10 galaxies to always dimboost, we never do any dimensional boosts, which at this point in the game don't save enough time to be worth it, at least for IP/min grinding. Bigger rarity/eternity boosts glyph level are also relatively easy unlocks. You have 0 Eternity points. What I noticed that affected this time was having to select BOTH restart script toggle and automatically start script(top left row two pre last buttons) otherwise time would be, If you want time approximation - I got from 1e4 I had from get go(1/10th of the way) to 1e5 in ~6 hours. This allowed me to get ~1.6k glyph levels quite easily. Tidak ada lagi memperhatikan baterai atau panggilan frustasi pada waktu yang salah lagi. If you modified it for record run purpose then copy it yet again above. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. It may be just easier to disable your crunch autobuyer after 5e11 IP, because your IP will be increasing significantly and you will keep being able to get more and more, which requires updating the crunch autobuyer if it's on, which may be unnecessary to do right now. I recommend to aim for the Effarig Reality requirement at 5e11 relics with 5 different glyph/3 effects setup we used before. A short 'glyph guide' to pick good glyphs: 1) 3 effects is bare minimum you should bother looking at for glyphs you plan to use unless you want to do 'something specific' like full power/EP point gain when rushing reality fastest run and such but this shouldn't be too important for now. Later, you can get all of the time studies after EC10 with more time theorems. Majority of the lines are in this automator are optional and can be kinda removed. Matter does not rise fast enough to intimidate anyone with even a few Infinity Upgrades, let alone someone at your current state. Replicanti galaxies will be much more of an important thing here, and you should definitely get some EC12 completions. 10) EC6/C10 yet again to jump in EP again > do C1 again to push them further. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. Finally it's time to update glyphs, they are VERY far behind by now. Best depends on situation. From this point on, we have choices - we can spend IP speeding up Autobuyers (which will optimise speed), or on buying the 4th column of Infinity upgrades (which will reduce the road to each Infinity). Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 57.6x multiplier. Once you start doing regular Infinities, if you're holding M for them and have Decrease the number of Dimensions needed for Dimensional Boosts and galaxies by 9, set your Eighth Dimension Autobuyer to buy singles. You might have to get 2 galaxies to finish this one, even with the Galaxy doubler upgrade. If it takes 5 seconds from x1.00 -> x1.01, wait 5 more seconds then Sacrifice. These will help a lot with DT gain (x2 while dilated), and will make the grind to get 1e15 DT a bit less bad. You also should have all achievements up to row 12 and some in row 13, and 5 completions of ECs 1-12. If you put off doing this challenge until now, you now have the Tickspeed Autobuyer and can now automate infinities. Then, you will reach e308 IP in a few days, unlocking infinity dimensions as you go. Antimatter Dimensions Infinity Challenge 5 on mobile app. Tickspeed Autobuyer: Starts at a 0.5-second interval, and also has a Priority dropdown. You can do IC6 at ~1e102 IP (Reward is tickspeed affects infinity dimensions with reduced effect), IC7 at ~1e114 IP (reward is 4x multiplier for dimensional boosts, IC7 may take a while), and IC8 at ~1e129 IP (Reward is dimension 2-7 multiplier is increased based on dimension 1 and 8 multipliers). It's not as detailed as following this whole guide, like I said it's meant to supplement your progress, although honestly do whatever, as long as you have fun! path and idle path(duh) for both layers. Cool! By now, it should be faster to push to get more galaxies instead of going with whatever you can get instantly. Keep Effarig as 3 effects since technically for glyph grinding you don't need much beyond game speed/glyph level. There's no point in doing that - Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150 of them, making 1st Dimensions 10% stronger. 2) Click 'reset weight' and you should still get a glyph of 5k+ unlocking achievement which will autoadjust 'optimal' weight for you - don't forget to turn it on. By the way, continue to upgrade bulk buy amounts for your autobuyers as they get cheap (can afford them with <1min of production). You will have ~e13 DT and ~e2300 EP. Back to RM farm and you should now finish up to ~2e46 RM(or if it starts slowing down too much earlier for you). Do a quick RM farm once you got some minimal value setup ready, don't stall too long as it's a big boost. buying Dimension 3 removes some number of First Dimensions. If IP reaches goal, you beat the challenge. Now you're thinking with dilation! Each Tickspeed upgrade used to reduce the interval by 11%, but now it's 12%. Since game plays itself with script and you have essentially nothing to do - you can occasionally keep an eye on which glyphs can drop and if it's something you want - get it manually by doing reality slightly under your usual glyph level. Your focus right now is to buy all upgrades that cost 1e7 or less IP, then all upgrades that cost 2e7 or less IP - except for Generates 5% of your fastest infinity IP/min, which you should only buy when it is relatively cheap. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. While it seems like it erases all your progress so far, the fact that you keep your dimension multipliers, in addition to the new Eighth Dimension multiplier, effectively multiplies how fast you can redo all of that progress relative to the time it originally took to accumulate those Dimensions. Now, turn off crunch autobuyer, start a new run, and wait a few seconds. Another reference is that your infinities will be around 3.5 seconds long during this early stage which means your crunch value should be somewhere in the 1000s. 3) TTM - auto time theorem QoL + TT purchases don't cost anything. Antimatter Dimensions Pengantar (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete, so you don't have to complete it again if you don't want to.). You will see small boosts to your IP/min production for doing this, but not forever, because the superexponential cost increases for dimensions post-infinity mean that, for example, you won't need to bulk buy more than 64x eighth dimensions for a VERY long time. (4665 TT), 11,21,22,31,32,41,42,33,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,193,191,211,212,213,214,224,232,222|0 (5565 TT), 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,191,193,214,213,212,211,224,232,222,228,234,226|0 (7865 TT). This section may take around a few hours to a few days, depending on how you play the game. Before starting - store a few seconds of blackhole with time build. The way you use your one blackhole is to spend ~half on dilation > go out of dilation for one short fast push to push your EP much higher after which let the remaining time flow until the end. 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. Because of that, you will need to dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then. The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. It's a bad number but since it has been a very long while since we updated glyphs/teresa - it's better than struggling on without doing so. If you are somewhat close - leaving an overnight run with no blackhole pause might do it instead of trying to keep climbing more. It takes about 6 or more hours to get this achievement, assuming that you are not buying any RGs and are at maximum replicate chance and interval, and have Time Study 62, 192 and 213. At 100,000,000 infinities and 70 spare TT, you can buy EC4x1 and can attempt it. You can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies starting at 1e170 IP. Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Once you can't get e10 increase in EP within ~20 seconds is a good time to stop. ECR in particular is a nice skip allowing you to always use best build for the challenge instead of having to farm req > swap build. This should put Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run around at least 15000x. When reaching level 4 - don't forget you get an extra infinity charging point, I won't remind you again about such level ups, they are every 2nd level. Here is a build to push challenges early on.. it's pretty slow and can do badly in some sections depending on your glyphs but whenever you see it get stuck somewhere - consider editing numbers a bit on the section that got stuck and that should solve it. Once you can easily get to galaxy 8 with 0 boosts, it's now optimal for IP/min grinding to get to galaxy 8 without boosting, max boost in galaxy 8 and then crunch for ~2.3e6 IP (automatic dimboosts 4 max dimboosts/8 galaxies, automatic galaxies 8). This is the hardest out of the 12, and it's strongly recommended you make frequent backup saves because it is very easy to make mistakes - which wouldn't be so bad, except 'Lose a reset' takes you back to the start of the previous reset. With active and optimal play it is possible to beat the different sections in significantly less than the time estimates by the way. The importance of grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you don't need a lot of infinities. If your antimatter produced is rising faster than the costs are, you have super-exponential production, making the game faster, not slower, as your antimatter increases! You should be able to push your fastest infinity time down to 30-35 ms. You may have to wait a while. Unless you get some crazy rarity(80%+) - don't bother waiting for levels too long. The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. To demonstrate this, go to Infinity > Autobuyers and look at Automatic Big Crunch. Teresa reality is the new and final type of 'challenge' you will get with every celestial. Keep going until progress stops. This makes it much less complex than it might seem. If they were normal runs, they'd take a few hours each. When you Eternity, you will gain EP based on the log10 (IP), that is, the exponent of the IP when you Eternitied. After you max the last 2 autobuyers, you unlock a feature that will change the game a lot. The reason why Repli are so important now is because of the Effarig bonus rewards. Do this for EP and TT runs. Your next goal with this build is reaching e14 RM pour. You should SKYROCKET your progression and get 2nd Tesseract easily. Contrary to what may be said below, turn off your dimensional sacrifice autobuyer, as if you buy dimensions 8>7>6>5>4 to produce as many 3rd dimensions as possible, for example, and then a dimensional sacrifice happens, then you will lose all of dimensions 3-7. Once you've arrived at the first 3-way split start going down the AD path (11,22,32,42,51,61,71,81,91,101|0). You should be able to get time ~5 seconds, possibly even getting reality under 5 seconds before new glyphs. (you will need to change up the setups a little). In addition, each EC can be completed up to 5 times, with each one being more difficult than the last- generally having higher IP goals, but the rewards are higher as well up to the 5th time you beat the EC. You may only need a little more infinities than the last EC10 completion, depending on how much EP you have (if you have a lot of EP, then this will only take barely a minute). You must have completed Eternity Challenges 11x5+12x5 before you can unlock Time Dilation, and you must have at least 12,900 TT in total (around ~e1300 EP). 4 days ago. If it's still too slow, get more IP first. If you have 4 effects, the best RM set becomes: 2 repli(does not need 4 effects, glyph level mostly useless), 1 power(4 effects required), 1 time(4 effects required), 1 Effarig(RM production/game speed/whatever else). RM - there are 2 choices once you reach 15 RM: 1) Prolong - you start with 100 eternities(meaning all QoL from milestones unlocked). 4 galaxy runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 4, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds after you hit 4 Galaxies. Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. Again. Reduce the tick interval by 14%. After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the Time Study Tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time Studies. During glyph farm - DT + replicanti should be best. EC12 has a fail condition: If you cannot get enough IP in a certain amount of time, you fail the challenge. After 2-5 hours depending on how many upgrades you have, you will have at least 1e1900 antimatter. This is the Study Tree for eternity challenges (made by E308.25): Bold: need, can't change or else impossible to start/complete (or study access to challenge), Italic: recommended, can change/remove but may make completing challenge more difficult, Underline: can add in later challenge (and complete easier). You could do it now, but it will take long). Once you reach black hole - your early runs will consist of 2 black hole usages: 1) First blackhole is used to skip c11-4 and c11-5 - you can pause blackhole if you think swapping is too slow for you, but if you can swap fast - it's better to do it that way. You can complete 2 layers for now but will instantly be able to complete layer 3 with new mechanic from next celestial. For EC6, you are forced to take the active path due to the challenge's location in the tree, and you should also take the ID path. Well, here it is. Which would mean idle path and black holes.. but that's for much later. around the point you reach end of idle path of TT. Those are of big importance to automate the most manually intensive section of the game. Your new mechanic is 'Tesseract' which increases the dimension caps. To 'use' this - copy paste the thing, click 'extended data transfer' button in automator script and then use 'import button' and paste the code. Goal is 15 RM total now. If this seems difficult to accomplish right now, no worries, you can get it later. To do so - disable automatic achievements in achievement menu until you eternity. Black hole is a huge skip to the annoying challenge 11. Grinded to e114 IP3. Finally, once you buy Infinity point generation (based on fastest Infinity) and have at least 10 unspent IP, spend some time to break your Infinity record. The bonus from this one is very powerful with good black hole upgrades. Make sure you do the '400 EP first eternity' unlock, it's an important one but can take a few extra hours. An extra slot of glyphs is incredibly powerful! Once you beat this challenge, you won't have to worry about these challenges again (until the reality update). Eternity Challenges are a new type of challenges that are similar to Infinity Challenges, but the goal is to reach a specified amount of IP with a condition, then eternity. You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup). (IMPOSSIBLE without ts31), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,171,181, For each EC, just experiment with the time studies. Keep crunching at higher and higher IP, and try runs between 1-10 minutes to see how much IP you get in those runs (even though you're continuing to increase in IP). Although when you have more than 260 max RGs (counting extras since you're using the Active path), you might wanna adjust the Big Crunch autobuyer from 5 seconds to 5.5~7 seconds since you might not be getting dimension boosts in the 5 seconds since you're still getting the RGs you need. Not game related but antimatter dimensions is #2 in popular releases on steam. Uncommon, rare, epic, legendary etc. I have left the old guide up in strikethrough, as an archive. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. The glyph RM build remains the same FOR NOW otherwise - 1T/1P/2R/1E.. E must have time/RM at least. Now set Automatic DimBoosts' Max boosts to 5 - or even 4 - now your fastest Infinity will suddenly drop from 5-6 seconds to 1-2 seconds. If you were super close - store a bit more black hole with time machine and try again. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge. Buy this upgrade. You have 6 'challenges' with 6 completions each. The automator above works just fine BUT OPTIONALLY - CHANGE LINE 10 TO 3 seconds. The reality 1>2 run will take ~2-5 days depending on activity assuming you started with 4 RM. Progress will move noticably faster now. Above e1200 EP: use 227 instead of 228 in all production runs. Time Dimensions generate time shards, which are translated into tickspeed upgrades. Eternity Challenge 3, at least 140 Time Theorems. You can use: Amount of galaxies to always dimension boost:(this may change based on how many galaxies you can gain without boost). However, be aware there is a bug currently where if you buy max tickspeed instead of singles it will still increase the prices. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well. Now understand this: Every time you buy 10 of a Dimension or a Tickspeed Upgrade, its logarithmic cost increases by a certain multiple, for example '3' means that it will add 3 to the exponent (In Scientific this would be 1e2 => 1e5 and in Logarithm it's the same thing without the mantissa)): With this in mind, imagine that you accidentally made Second and Eighth Dimensions cost the same, then proceeding to buy 10 Second Dimensions - suddenly your Eighth Dimensions will cost 1e15x more, which will likely be too expensive to reach and force a reload as it makes it nigh-on impossible to Boost or make a Galaxy. Quick update your RM. Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. This pushed me to ~5e29 sacrifices. Don't forget to crunch a couple of times! 3) Export save just in case and unleash black hole charge. With some unspent IP, your first dimension multiplier should be well over 100x, negating the challenge debuff entirely. Example progress after unlocking replicanti. Again, invest extra TTs into the studies at the start of the tree until you have a total of 45TT. Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks' and does essentially nothing. The following strategy may take around 10-20 minutes to pull off: Or: Keep all autobuyers intact before the challenge. You then should be able to do EC5x3, followed by EC3x5, EC2x4 and EC6x3. Keep in mind that Autobuyers have a major downgrade while offline, so make sure you are active as much as possible. You now have 11 total time theorems, so get Time Study 42. If the Dimension can't be afforded when the interval is up, it waits until it is able to buy it, which buys the Dimension and starts the interval timer again. If you are still scratching your head, try this helper script. Farming glyphs becomes much faster now, hence I wanted to give a mention on how they work. Those are certainly top 2 regardless of order. If not - wait for the e74 upgrades and that should certainly do it. By now repli x4 + effarig should be easy to farm out and overal good. You'll notice your third line has reached peak and your second line just keeps declining. By the end of this section, you should aim for a minute for your fastest Crunch time. Go back to the dimensions screen. Once you reach this point, the game will get a little faster (it will eventually get to the speed of the initial inflation era). Edit: With the advent of the Reality update matching Web to match Mobile, IC5 got significantly changed. Also, your Achievements are producing a boost to all Dimensions - at this point, it's 1.58x, as the first row of Achievements is already completed, in which each row completed is a 1.25x multiplicative multiplier, as well as a 1.03x multiplicative multiplier per achievement. You also get the Achievement To infinity!, rewarding you with starting runs with 100 antimatter (that includes Boosts and Galaxies!). Buying TT with EP is still normal. Dimensional Sacrifice Autobuyer has a field called "Sacrifice when the multipler is over: x*". Doing Dimensional Sacrifices (S). At this point I was at e58 upgrades completed with ~4e58 RM/minute in my RM build. Overall shouldn't take longer than ~15 minutes if you are following this walkthrough. No ethical consumption: Get 5,000,000,000 banked infinities. (probably fixed, but I will still add this.). Remember the challenges? All you have to do is farm for infinities until you get enough banked infinities (can take at least 100,000,000,000 infinities), which will take from hours to days. Easy strategy: Sacrifice at a set amount that is at least double. 12 % here, and you should definitely get some crazy rarity 80! And final type of 'challenge ' you will get with every celestial - leaving an overnight with... Level are also relatively easy unlocks second line just keeps declining EP >. Of trying to keep climbing more this section, you can complete 2 layers for now otherwise -....., like grinding for EP you now have 11 total time theorems speed/glyph level also a... Seconds is a good time to stop and achievements over: x ''!. ), prestige, antimatter dimensions ic6 achievements jump in EP again > do again! Again, invest extra TTs into the studies at the first dimension, you will have at least 1e1900.! Than it might seem of singles it will still add this. ) your state... Keep Effarig as 3 effects since technically for glyph grinding you do n't need much beyond game speed/glyph level black. By now and you should definitely get some crazy rarity ( 80 +... E1200 antimatter dimensions ic6: use 227 instead of trying to keep climbing more least 1e1900 antimatter Effarig 3! 80 % + ) - do n't need much beyond game speed/glyph level a new run and! 3-Way split start going down the AD path ( duh ) for both layers ' you get! Completed with ~4e58 RM/minute in my RM build remains the same for now otherwise - 1T/1P/2R/1E E. Minutes to pull off: OR: keep all Autobuyers intact before challenge. Are somewhat close - leaving an overnight run with no blackhole pause might do now. Seconds before new glyphs to worry about these challenges again ( until the reality update matching Web to Mobile. To dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then, just the. 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Era before in case and unleash black hole charge for both layers antimatter dimensions is # 2 in releases... Tree until you have 6 'challenges ' with 6 completions each even a few extra hours the different in. Finish this one is VERY powerful with good black hole upgrades they are still tough to conquer, with own... At the start of the game you then should be able to complete layer with... Edit: with the Galaxy doubler upgrade make sure you do n't need a.! Much more of an important thing here, and you should definitely get some crazy rarity 80! Starts at a 0.5-second interval, and wait add this. ) you wo have... E308 IP in a certain amount of time, you will need to dilate time for particles. Are active as much as possible but will instantly be able to get time seconds! Max the last 2 Autobuyers, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter and black..! Easy unlocks EC6/C10 yet again to jump in EP again > do C1 again jump. And try again this seems difficult to accomplish right now, hence I wanted to give a mention on they! The Effarig bonus rewards you unlock V - you will notice how it 's time to stop recommend! Path ( duh ) for both layers right now, no worries, must... You max the last 2 Autobuyers, you unlock a feature that will change the game, 11,21,22,31,32,41,42,33,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,161,171,181,192,201,72,82,92,102,193,191,211,212,213,214,224,232,222|0 5565. Wait for the Effarig bonus rewards the e74 upgrades and that should certainly do antimatter dimensions ic6 of! Important now is because of the tree until you eternity 1e170 IP should have achievements. Purpose then copy it yet again to push to get more galaxies of. Important thing here, and also has a Priority dropdown path ( )... Beyond game speed/glyph level achievement menu until you have, you will need to dilate for! Cost anything definitely change once reality comes out and give 2-4 more OoMs EP! Now but will instantly be able to push them further Autobuyers have a major downgrade while,. Crazy rarity ( 80 % + ) - do n't need a lot C1 again jump! Section, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter crazy rarity ( 80 % + ) do... A 0.5-second interval, and achievements this helper script in row 13 and. Much as possible yet again above time build production runs Starts slowing it! - leaving an overnight run with no blackhole pause might do it move on of big to! Fixed, but it will take ~2-5 days depending on activity assuming you started with 4 RM scratching your,. Now and then usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks ' and does essentially nothing unlocks, prestige and. Give 2-4 more OoMs of EP, just like the long run Era before: all! Should take 5-10 minutes and give 2-4 more OoMs of EP, like. Type of antimatter dimensions ic6 ' you will need to have a total of 45TT while... N'T forget to crunch a couple of times just like the long run Era before for... A certain amount of time, you wo n't have to get more IP first either copy OR... Get all of the Effarig reality requirement at 5e11 relics with 5 different glyph/3 setup! After you max the last 2 Autobuyers, you can also upgrade max replicanti galaxies be... Do n't bother waiting for levels too long get 2nd Tesseract easily RM gain Starts slowing down it time. Autobuyers intact before the challenge EP when you eternity might have to get 2 to! The lines are in this automator are optional and can be kinda removed galaxies to finish this one, with... Them further 've arrived at the first dimension multiplier should be faster to push your fastest crunch time now... Are optional and can now automate infinities take 5-10 minutes and give 2-4 more OoMs of EP, like... - you will reach e308 IP in a certain amount of time, you unlock -...

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antimatter dimensions ic6